
" structure and run according to rational or scientific principles in order to achieve desired results "

Network Review



What condition is your network in? What are the associated risks? Where are your maintenance liabilities? Is you network aging, or are you keeping up with 

This is a comprehensive desktop study which examines all available network condition data and summarises the results in a single spreadsheet. The goal of the Network Review is to determine your maintenance needs, now and for the future. One of the outputs of the Network Review will be a list of areas which require immediate attention so you can adopt a worst first approach. We work with our clients to understand their own strategic importance's for treating their network. We adjust our algorithms to suit your specific needs.


Technical Report Writing


Does your report really communicate? Is the message clear?

Your report is probably the most important part of the project. Even if it is technical in nature it represents the sum total of your work. Is does take some skill to draw together all the loose ends. While the report should be concise it shouldn't leave out important information just because it is technical. Such data can still be communicated in layman's terms. Ultimately years later it represents the audit trail of, "Why did we do that?" 

Let our team deliver you a fine report using your own templates and formats.

 Deterioration Modelling


What can you expect from your network? What are your future maintenance needs going to be?

We have a series of algorithms that show when you can expect failures and allow you to plan for timely interventions. Unfortunately these days regulations, budgets and proceedures limit our reaction time so having advanced warning of what is coming is crucial.

Let our team model and map your risks so you can optimise your strategy.



Scheme Identification


Your Condition surveys and studies usually don't come cheap. Are you getting the right outputs from the money invested in undertaking these surveys?

Give our team your survey data and let us compile a list of viable schemes with an indicative priority ranking. We use the prescribed threshold values and can consider more than one data stream at a time.